
翻译专题训练 | Sundial and Copper Kettle Clepsydra 日晷和铜壶滴漏

In ancient China, people calculated time according to the position of the sun, the moon and stars in the sky. However, such method was not very accurate. Afterwards, by watching the sun, someone designed a kind of time-counter to identify the time—the sundial (rì guǐ 日晷).

Copper Kettle ClepsydraThe sundial is a round plate, whose surface is carved with 12 degrees indicating 12 hours. And there is a copper needle erected in the center of the sundial’s surface. Under the sun, the shadow of the copper needle moves slowly on the surface with the movement of the sun, that is, when the shadow of the copper needle moves to a certain degree, it is the time that the degree indicates. In this way, the calculation of time is more accurate.

Besides the sundial, people in ancient China also used the copper kettle clepsydra (tong hú dī lòu 铜壶滴漏) to calculate time, because when it is cloudy or at night, the sundial doesn’t function. The earliest clepsydra was copper pot holding water with a small hole at the bottom and a pole with scales inserting in the center. When the water dropped through the small hole, people would determine the time by the scale on the pole with the decline of the water level. And gradually, the clepsydra evolved into a set of four pots, which were placed in order on a four-level wooden stand. The one on the highest level is called “the Sun Pot”(rì hú 日壶), and the other three pots below it are named “the Moon Pot”(yuè hú 月壶), "the Star Pot”(xīng hú 星壶) and “the Water-receiving Pot”(shòu shuǐ hú 授水壶). The Sun Pot, the Moon Pot and the Star Pot all have a hole at the bottom so that water can dro through it and Water-receiving Pot has a gauge inside. The water drops from the Sun Pot into the Moon Pot and then into the Star Pot and finally into the Water-receiving Pot. As more and more water drops into the Water-receiving Pot, the gauge gradually rises due to the buoyancy of water. Thus people could identify the time by observing the very scale of the gauge emerging above the water. The more levels a clepsydra has, the more accurate it is to calculate the time.

The sundial and cooper kettle clepsydra are the important timing devices in ancient China. Their accuracy is amazing and they also provide precious materials for research on the development of science and technology in ancient China.







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